Frequently Asked Questions
Where’s the iGrapple® Mobile?
To view the iGrapple® Mobile, you must be logged in from a mobile device. Otherwise, you are seeing the Desktop version. If you are logged in from a mobile device but are still seeing the Desktop version, then your device isn’t being recognized as a mobile device. In that case, click on the “iGrapple® Mobile” link in the upper right menu of the desktop version (or simply click here: iGrapple® Mobile)
Note: The iGrapple® Mobile is not meant for non-mobile devices, so if you’re viewing it on a desktop PC, it won’t function the way it does on on mobile devices.
The iGrapple® Desktop isn’t displaying properly on my mobile device. Why?
The iGrapple® Desktop isn’t meant for mobile devices. However, certain mobile devices may not be recognized as mobile devices, and call the Desktop version instead. In that case, simply login as usual, then click the “iGrapple® Mobile” link on the menu in the upper right corner of the Desktop version to be redirected to iGrapple® Mobile.
The iGrapple® doesn’t appear on my screen. Why?
If the iGrapple® has never appeared on your screen, you probably don’t have Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer. Download it here.
If it has appeared before, but you can’t find it now, you probably dragged it off screen. Double click anywhere on the white part of your screen, then drag your cursor to the right, up or down until you drag it back on-screen. Alternately, you can just refresh your browser to reset it back it it’s original state and position.
Can I watch the videos full screen?
Yes, you may open to full screen by clicking the “full screen” icon in the lower right hand corner of the video player, then click it again (or hit “Esc” on your keyboard) to return to the iGrapple®. The iGrapple® will maintain the state of expansion / contraction it had before you enlarged the video.
How can I make the iGrapple® larger or smaller for easier viewing?
You can easily change the font size of the iGrapple® by first clicking the white area of your screen, then holding down the “ctrl” button and clicking the “+” or “-” buttons on your computer keyboard.
The video doesn’t open when I click on the technique.
Be sure you click directly on the red arrow, rather than on the name of the technique.
When I use the iGrapple®, it sometimes disappears off the screen.
Most likely, you have dragged the iGrapple® off screen unintentionally. Another reason may be that you expanded the iGrapple® so much that it’s “home base” was pushed off screen, then you closed it by right clicking and selecting “Reset iGrapple® to closed state”, which closed it off-screen. Just double click the white area on your screen and drag your cursor toward the right or up and down until you can see the iGrapple. Alternately, you can just refresh your browser to reset the iGrapple® back it it’s original state and position.
How many video clips are in the iGrapple®?
Currently, we have nearly 1200 video clips.
Why don’t you use popular names for all the tactics?
We use standard names for some of the common tactics, like keylock and kimura, and popular names are ordinarily fine. However, specifically for use of the iGrapple®, we have found that descriptive names make the iGrapple® a much more effective and efficient learning tool.
How can I find out more about using the iGrapple®?
Watch the Video Tutorials. These videos walk you thorough the basics of using the iGrapple® as well as answer some commonly asked questions.
Who can I contact for technical support?
For technical help with the iGrapple®, please complete the form on the Suppport Page. We will answer all questions in a timely manner.